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Ace Hardware has produced a mini-documentary series titled, "Heartware Stories." In these videos, Ace Hardware shows the unique and amazing ways our stores truly become a helpful place in their community. This is a documentary titled, "One Pill." We take a deeper look into the world of accidental overdose of pills laced with fentanyl. See how two mothers are educating their community on overdose prevention.
Michelle Leopold (Trevor - Forever 17) and Sandy Mattingly (Chase - Forever 21), who live on opposite sides of the U.S., lost their sons to a substance use overdose. They have turned their tragic loss into educating their communities - Please watch as they share their loss and turn their loss into educating others.
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One Pill Documentary - Ace Heartware Stories
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First Annual HOPE Memorial Walk
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HOPE is a Narcan Distributor. Contact us at if you or someone you know need Narcan. You must be 18 or older or with someone 18 or over to receive Narcan. Click here to learn facts about Naloxone (Narcan).
Community support is key to #SuicidePrevention 💙 Learn & share the warning signs and risk factors of suicide 💜 We can offer hope and help to someone who may be in crisis: #SPM24
HOPE: Healing, Overdose Prevention, and Education is dedicated to providing resources to those impacted by addiction. We believe in the power of healing and prevention to bring positive change to our community.
Clarence and Rondel Davis, Founders of HOPE holding the memory poster of their son, Tyler, who passed away from an overdose May 18, 2023! If you would like to order a memory poster, please click here and you will be redirected to the Google form to order.
~ Forever 30
~ Forever Missed
~ Forever Loved
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